The participatory monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (PMEAL) toolkit provides Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)staff with a range of practical, participatory tools they can use to engage communities in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating MSF’s programmes. Actively consulting and seeking feedback from patients and their communities also increases accountability and transparency of the work MSF is doing.
The toolkit accompanies the CommunityFirst Framework.
The CommunityFirst Framework, developed by SeeChange and adapted for implementation in MSF projects, is intended to guide MSF teams to co-design health strategies with communities, throughout all stages of the project cycle --for exploratory missions, projects that are just opening, projects that have been running for some time, or those that are closing. Through MSF’s Transformational Investment Capacity (TIC) fund, the SeeChange-MSF CommunityFirst TIC project team piloted the framework in three different contexts in 2022-2024, in Sierra Leone, Peru, and Venezuela.
Through this process, the team identified that MSF teams needed practical tools to capture learning, feedback, and the changes to which a CommunityFirst approach might contribute. This toolkit aims to fill that gap.
Download the PMEAL Toolkit.